Makeup Tips Video’s

Makeup Mistakes to Avoid

Today I am redoing my popular video “Makeup Mistakes to avoid!” As time goes on, we practice and find new ways to make our makeup application easier & more flawless. If it weren’t for all our mistakes, we would never learn from them!! It’s so funny looking back at old pictures and wondering what the heck you were thinking – makeup wise. I do it all the time 😉 I hope this video helps anyone who needed some tips and tricks for an easier overall experience with makeup.


HI SISTERS! In my tutorials, I often tend to skip over a lot of really important information. I feel like you guys are makeup masters, but I always forget that I have so many sisters out there who are still beginners! In today’s video, I answer all of the internet’s most asked beauty questions.

Pro Makeup Tips

I think I’m so funny….haha! but in all seriousness it had been a while since I had done a video sharing my best tips! This one in particular should help you build a very cohesive makeup look from start to finish.


These makeup hacks are so incredibly helpful! You’ll learn how to do waterproof makeup, fix broken cosmetics and much more! 🙂

Makeup for Beginners: Everyday Makeup

In today’s video I give you a step by step of how to apply makeup, including makeup tools for beginners, tips and tricks for a full face of makeup and show you how to complete a daily makeup tutorial for a quick and easy everyday makeup look in a very short time 🙂

Makeup Tips & Secrets With Superstar Ariel Tejada

Ariel thinks my first makeup tutorial needs a little help. He was kind enough to correct all of my mistakes on HALF of my face and then challenged me to complete the other half…see for yourself who the winner was!


​Beauty tips and tricks are never enough for us. Sometimes, we all need to check out the newest beauty hacks in order to make our makeup routine easier by avoiding certain mistakes and accidents that you’ll see in this video. So, in order to help you with your hair and makeup, we made this video for you that will revolutionize your makeup routine in a heartbeat.

10 Makeup Tricks That Will Make You More Attractive

There’s nothing like a little makeup to make your natural beauty shine through even more, especially if you use these 10 makeup tricks that will make you more attractive. From how to layer your eye makeup to the ideal blush application for your face shape, these makeup tricks will make you look your best.

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